
I spend too much of my time in an office ordering kids books for libraries, and not enough telling people about the exciting things I'm ordering for them. Hopefully, this blog will help to rectify that.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm giddy!

Sometimes things just make me happy for no apparent reason. Here are some new chapter books that have just that effect:

Hot Dog and Bob and the Seriously Scary Attack of the Evil Alien Pizza Person by L. Bob Rovetch
First in a series, this book is about an average boy and a talking superhero hot dog from outer space. Already drawing comparisons to Captain Underpants, it's full of drawings and super-silly fun. And, I'd like to add, hot dogs are just plain funny! Oscar Mayer weinermobile? Funny! Man dressed in a hot dog costume? Funny! Superhero hot dog? Funny!

Manga Claus by Nathaniel Marunis
Hee hee! In this J-level graphic novel, an angry elf puts a spell on a batch of ninja teddy bears, forcing Santa to morph into his "butt-kicking" alter ego, Manga Claus, and . . . well . . . kick some butt. Am I the only one who thinks that this muscle-bound Santa with a ninja sword is hysterically funny?

Headlock by Joyce Sweeney
Kyle is well on the road to a professional wrestling career until his long-gone mother comes back into his life. Boys of all ages still love the world of professional wrestling, and this book may be just the thing for them to read. Besides, it has an awesome cover!

Last Days by Scott Westerfeld
Ooooooh! Ooooooh! A sequel to Peeps! A sequel to Peeps! Westerfeld is hot, hot, hot . . . and this book promises to be hot, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, yes! The sequel to "Peeps" will indeed be hot, hot, hot! Jac, did you know this was coming out so soon?!

1:01 PM  
Blogger Morgan said...

OOH...can't wait.

1:10 PM  

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